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portrait flag Kurt Sandquist,
Sandia National Laboratories

E-Mail: ksandquist [at]

Brief Biographical Information:

Kurt Sandquist develops photometer systems used in experiments by Richard E. Spalding of Sandia National Laboratories, an expert on natural fireballs.


Sandia National Laboratories has studied the prevailance of bright natural fireballs using photoelectric detectors after such meteors were detected by satellites from space. More recently, studies have been performed using all-sky video cameras in a Sandia Fireball Network, with cameras in Alberta (Canada), on Vancouver Island in British Columbia, in California (Jim Gamble), in London (Ontario), near Woodinville, Wash., and near Albuquerque.

Kurt Sandquist Kurt Sandquist with the 2-channel photometer (background) and control unit (in rack).

Research on Hyperseed MAC:

Support of two-channel photometry experiment by Tim Gibson (left) and Richard Spalding (not in picture), both of Sandia National Laboratories at Kirtland. The instrument samples the light from the Sample Return Capsule 250,000 times per second.